Wednesday 24 June 2015


(Today I read the next 17 pages of Animal Farm.)
Squealer was informed and he arrived at the scene. A decision was taken by Squealer that Boxer had to be sent to the nearby Hospital for treatment. The animals were a little uncomfortable when they heard this but Squealer said that his treatment would be done better in the hospital than in the farm. A van appeared to take Boxer. After Boxer was taken in the van and gone some distance, Benjamin realized. The van had Horse Slaughter written over it. The animal were shocked to hear this and shouted at the top of their voice in order to warn Boxer but Boxer was not as strong as he used to be years back. Boxer could do nothing even after knowing he was on the journey to death.

Squealer informed everyone that it was actually a transport belonging to a hospital but since they had got it from the Slaughter they had forgot to paint over it. Three days later Squealer informed everyone that Boxer had died peacefully.

Years passed. Many animals passed away. Clover was now old. The farms were increased, the farm now possessed many machines after the Windmill had been completed. The pigs strangely started walking on two legs with the help of a stick. The wall in which the seven commandments were written was totally changed. There was only one commandment : 'All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others'

There was a party being held in the Manor Farm ( the name Animal Farm was now abolished). It was for the pigs and the farmers. There was beer and enjoyment, talks and cards. The pigs and the humans indulged into a game of cards. Napoleon and Mr Pilkington had both played an Ace of Spades simultaneously. Every one was now shouting in anger. The animals were all peeping through the window and were noticing everyone. The looked from pig to man and then man to pig and again pig to man and it was impossible to tell which was which.


Far from having nothing to do with man, as Major ordered, the pigs had indulged with men and its habits, if anything, the pigs are worse: they had violated the Commandments and kept lying and fooling the animals while claiming to support the revolution and have abused the animals’ trust, leaving them in a worse position than at the start of the book.


Saturday 20 June 2015


(Today I read the next 17 pages of Animal Farm.)
The next morning, Frederick attacked the Animal Farm. The attack had long been expected and all preparations were made in advance. But this time victory was not as easy as before. There were fifteen men with half a dozen guns and they opened fire as soon as they reached fifty yards. Many animals were wounded and took refuge in the farm buildings. The pigeons which were sent to Mr Pilkington for help came back with a note saying 'serves you right' The animals were helpless. Fredrick's men blasted the windmill which now ceased to exist. The animals were filled with anger when the saw their years of effort turning into dust. At this point the animals' courage came back t them.The animals now charged at the men together with unity. The frightened enemy was now seen to being chased away by the animals.The battle was won but several animals died and even more injured.
A week later Squealer was caught at night near the wall in which the seven commandments were written. There remained a pot of paint and a broken ladder. The animals were puzzled but Benjamin seemed to have understood but kept silent. The next morning Muriel came near the wall. But realized one of the commandments seemed modified - no animal shall drink alcohol to excess. The construction of the new windmill had begun. Boxer refused to take a day off from work although he was not as strong as he was before. The rations of the animals except the dogs and the pigs were reduced but Squealer's complicated sentences and numbers seemed to keep the animals convinced.A school room was planned for the future generation. Part of the year's harvest was sold. The pigs kept putting on weight. The pigs started to have alcohol. There was lot of work and Boxer worked the hardest. One day something shocking happened to Boxer. Boxer had fallen while dragging a huge boulder up the plateau. A stream of blood was noticed coming out of his mouth.

Saturday 13 June 2015


(Today I read the next 27 pages of Animal Farm.)
The animals worked like slaves that year but were happy to work as they knew the benefit was for themselves and not stolen by them by their wicked master. Napoleon announced there would be work on Sunday afternoons as well. The harvest was a little less successful than previous year. Also the construction of the windmill was facing several difficulties. The construction was a slow labourios process. Boxer used to work the hardest. Then Napoleon one morning announced that Animal Farm had to engage in trade with neighbouring farms in order to obtain certain materials which were urgently needed. Mr Whymper a man was arranged in order to act as an intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world. As usual Beasts of England was sung after the meeting and the animals dismissed. But the animals could remember that not egaging in trade and using money wasn't they the earlier resolutions passed in the triumphant meeting after Jones was defeated? This is the point when Squealer came and convinced the animal and reminded them that there was no such record or proof of such a rule existing.

Every Monday Mr Whymper visited the farm and the animals looked at him with hate and maintained distance. He realized Animal Farm would soon need a broker. The pigs started sleeping in beds which was strictly against the fourth commandment. But when the animals went to see the wall in which the commandments were written, they say two new words in the end. It read - No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. Squealer convinced the animals it was like that fro the very start. November came raging with South West winds. The Windmill was destroyed by the wind as it had thin walls. The next Morning the animals noticed the windmill. Napoleon appeared secured with his nine dogs and snuffed here and there. He shouted,"Snowball! Snowball has done it!" The animals were surprised. Squealer told them that Snowball had done it to seek revenge. Their hate for Snow ball grew even more.

In January food felt short. So Napoleon snatched the eggs the hens had laid and sold them.The hens protested and refused to give any more eggs. So Napoleon stopped giving food to the hens. Nine hens died because of this. Mr Whymper was told nothing about this as he would inform the outside world about the killings and violence in Animal Farm. Snowball was rumored to be hiding in one of the neighbouring farms. It happened that there was a pile of timber in the yard. Mr Pilkington and Mr Frederick both were eager to buy it. One afternoon Napoleon ordered all the animals to assemble. Napoleon came out surrounded by his nine ferocious dogs. Napoleon stood their surveying his audience and then uttered a high pitched squeal. At this point the dogs seized four pigs by the throat and dragged them to Napoleon. The pigs were bleeding. They confessed that they collaborated in destroying the mill and worked for Snowball, at this point the dogs tore their throat out. Many other animals were ordered to confessed their crimes and were killed on the spot. The remaining animals were shocked.

Clover was in tears. She said to herself,"This was not what we had dreamed of years ago. Since Jones had left not even a mouse had been killed.This was not what Major would have expected. A lot has changed since the rebellion and the past years. Our dream was a society full of happiness where there was plenty of food and no hunger and torture. These killings were totally unexpected.
{No animal shall kill any other animal without cause} The commandment now read.

Napoleon then informed everyone that Beasts of England was now forbidden to sing. Since it was the song of the rebellion and now the rebellion has been achieved and there was no need for the song now. There was a new song given to sing in the Sunday afternoons. Squealer kept convincing everyone that food production was at its peak and it was increasing. The animals could not argue since they did not remember the conditions before the Rebellion. Frederick of Foxwood was hated by every animal. They got to know that he killed a dog by throwing it onto the furnace, flogged a horse to death and starved his animals. But to their surprise the timber was being sold to Frederick. Next morning there was another surprise. The money notes were fake.

Thursday 11 June 2015

(Today I read the next 21 pages of Animal Farm.)
 Snow ball was a very responsible leader. He opened  committees to educate the animals, but many were unable to memorize the alphabet. On the other hand Napoleon was taking no interest in Snowball's contribution. He said education of the young was the most important, and so as soon as the dogs, Jessi and Bluebell gave birth to nine healthy pups, Napoleon took them away and took the responsibility of their education and care on himself. Soon the rest of the farm forgot the existence of the pups. Later that day, Napoleon announce that all the apples and milk should be kept aside for the pigs as they needed to preserve their health in order to support the farm.
Mr Frederick and Mr Pilkington were two quarrelsome farmers. They hated each other. They wanted to protect their farm from the news of the Animal Farm as their were chances their animals would one day rebel against them.In many areas animals started destroying fences and turned savage and wild. Ideas about the Animal Farm and Beasts of England a song which Major used to sing was soon circulated and promoted across the countryside by the flight of pigeons which Snow ball and Napoleon had sent.
Early in October when the corn was and sacked Jones and his men with a dozen others had arrived with sticks and arms to recapture the farm. Of course it was expected and all preparations had been made. First the pigeons attacked. They moved to and fro and dropped their dungs on the men. Then the geese pecked viciously on the calves of their legs. Then Muriel, Benjamin, Snowball and all the sheep butted the people from all sides. Then at a squeal from Snowball all the animals rushed into the yard. Then the three horses, pigs and three cows charged at them.. Jones fired, killing one sheep and wounded Snowball, but then in an instant flung his fifteen stone against Jones's legs. Jones was hurled into a pile of dung. At this sight the men were frightened and dropped their sticks. The men were chased and every animal took vengeance in his own fashion. In January the bitter and hard weather made it impossible to work in the fields. After surveying the ground he told the animals a Windmill was needed which would supply the farm with electrical power. Within a week the plans and designs were fully worked out but Napoleon was totally against the plan. He said the animals should concentrate on the coming harvest and extra labour would tire the animals and starve them to death. 
Snowball said electricity could operate threshing machines, rollers, cold water and there would be just three days of working in a week. Now it was obvious that the votes would go to Snowball. Then suddenly nine ferocious dogs emerged from behind the bushes and chased Snowball with its vicious teeth.The dogs were the pups which Napoleon had taken care of and they listened only to him. Snowball was chased out of the farm and never was seen again. Then Napoleon declared that eventually the Windmill had to be made and in fact it was his idea and was stolen from his documents. Animals were confused that why would Napoleon then be against the Windmill at first? Squealer convinced them that that was just an excuse for removing Snowball because he was actually working for Jones and his acts in the battle were all worked out way before. "surely you don't want Jones back do you?" he said. The animals realized that if Snowball was not removed, Jones would come back and so every animal was convinced and silent.


Wednesday 10 June 2015


(Today I read the first 21 pages of Animal Farm.)
 Mr Jones of the Manor farm used to drink a lot and one night forgot to shut the pop holes. As soon as the animals found him snoring, all animals silently tiptoed and assembled to listen to old Major, who was their respected leader and regarded as the most wise animal. He was getting close to his death. He was a boar and wanted to share something with animals of the Manor Farm. He gave a speech explaining how Man has made the lives of the farm animals labourious and miserable. He gives the bare minimum food, enough to keep them from starving and makes them work till their last atom of strength.No animal is free in England. Major correctly pointed out specific facts. The soil of England was fertile. The output of our labour can supply food to a huge number of animals but the fruits of their hard work is stolen by humans. The animals' dung fertilizes the soil and the animals' labour tills the soil, but the produce is stolen. The eggs and calves are sold. Pigs and animals are sold as meat and most animals are not allowed to reach their natural life span. The answer is Rebellion! 

Three nights later old Major died peacefully. The pigs now Snowball and Napoleon were now the leaders. One day, Mr Jones was so drunk he forgot to feed his livestock. The animals revolted. They could tolerate no more. The animals managed to drive Mr Jones and her wife ad his four men out of the farm. And now the Manor Farm was theirs, sooner than they had expected. 

Manor Farm was named Animal Farm and seven commandments were painted on the walls. They the began the hay harvest. It was an extremely difficult job as the tools were designed for humans not animals. But their efforts were rewarded. The harvest was an even bigger success than the had imagined.The animals were happy as they had never conceived it possible to be. Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure, now that it was truly their food, produced by themselves and for themselves. On Sundays there was no work. After breakfast there was a ceremony held. A flag was designed and hoisted on every Sunday as a tribute to their success. The pigs the started forming committees and started teaching animals to read.

Animal Farm flag. The green color symbolizes the green fields of England and the hoof and horn signified the future of the Republic of Animals which would arise after the human race had been finally overthrown.